Category Archives: Uncategorized

FDA Issues First Authorization for a Vaping Product

The FDA has issued its first marketing authorization for a vaping product. Marketing Granted Orders (MGOs) for the first generation-style Vuse Solo e-cigarette and two tobacco-flavored replacement cartridges were published on the FDA Center for Tobacco Products website Tuesday afternoon. Along with the authorizations, the FDA announced it has issued Marketing Denial Orders (MDOs) for 10 Vuse Solo refill […]

FDA Backs Down, Rescinds Turning Point Brands’ MDOs

The FDA has reversed the Marketing Denial Order (MDO) it issued for some Turning Point Brands e-liquids. The agency has moved the TPB products back into scientific review, and in response the company has withdrawn its federal court petition for review, according to Filter reporter Alex Norcia. Norcia broke the new todays in his blog, which […]

Vape Juice Guide: Your Questions Answered

What is vape juice? Vape juice is the liquid used in electronic cigarettes that gets turned into vapor. It’s also referred to as: E-liquid E-juice (or ejuice) Vaping liquid E-cig juice All vaping, no matter the size or look of the vape device, requires the presence of e-liquid to make vapor. Vape juice comes in a plethora […]

Tank Leaking and Spitting: How to Fix Your Vape

Leaking, popping, spitting. It’s all part of vaping, right? It doesn’t have to be that way. There are plenty of things you can do to keep these issues to a minimum. Whether you’re using a rebuildable atomizer, regular vape tank or even a pod vape, these tips will ensure a smooth experience and are applicable to a variety […]

PG vs VG: What They Are and How to Use Them

VG (Vegetable Glycerin) vs. PG (Propylene Glycol) The two most common terms associated with e-juice are VG and PG. This can seem confusing to the newcomer, but knowledge of these two ingredients can improve your vaping experience. What are PG and VG? In simple terms: PG and VG are the odorless liquids that are combined […]

Different Types of Vapes You Should Know About

Let me be your guide through the world of vapes. The first thing to understand is that there are two main categories of vapes. Nicotine vapes: handheld devices powered by lithium-ion batteries designed to mimic the sensation of smoking without combustion. Nicotine options are customizable from 0% up to 5%, with flavors ranging from tobacco to […]

9 Pros and Cons of Vaping You Should Consider

Vaping gets a lot of bad press. Although we hear occasional positive reports about the health benefits of electronic cigarettes, they’re generally overwhelmed by coverage of hypothetical risks and exaggerated dangers. It’s not easy to find the facts about vaping. If you’re thinking about making the transition to vaping, you might be confused. We’re here to […]

Vaping vs. Smoking: Is Vaping Bad for You, Too?

Vaping vs. smoking Every discussion of the health risks of vaping should begin with a comparison to cigarette smoking. Vapes are designed to be reduced-harm alternatives to cigarettes, and it’s important to weigh vaping versus smoking because the vast majority of vapers are smokers or ex-smokers. A recent paper by 15 former presidents of the Society for Research […]

Nicotine Strengths: How to Choose What’s Right for You

Nicotine is an alkaloid found in plants from the nightshade family, including peppers, tomatoes and potatoes. But only in the tobacco plant it is abundant enough to extract and refine. Nicotine can be synthesized in a laboratory too, but the process is very expensive. Paradoxically, nicotine works as both a stimulant and a relaxant, with users […]