2021 IECIE show Successfully closed , IPURE Is Moving Forward with Confidence!

December 8, the 2021 IECIE show was successfully closed. A BIG thank you to all of you who were involved. It was also the last day of the exhibition, but all visitors, together with IPURE still maintained a surge of enthusiasm. The exhibition was at the very point where a sort of regulations are about to be implemented. IPURE was still optimistic in this event, and also believed in the future development of steady progress!

IPURE OEM E-liquid empowered all device from our partners

IPURE staff interacted with visitor

Confident IPURER

What attracted most people were the zero nicotine herb vape liquid and new flavors of tobacco. We have gained numerous inquiries and positive feedback.

Model showing IPURE herb liquid and device

Zero nicotine vape liquid by IPURE is researched and developed by the research team led by our doctor of biochemistry and international senior flavor expert.

visitor appreciating the herb liquid

There is vegetable alkaloid in plant, which can also bring satisfaction as nicotine does. Experts obtain concentrated alkaline liquid of effective medicinal plant ingredients through exquisite technological means of extraction, purification, acid and oil removal. Thus, same throat hit can be achieved even there is no nicotine in the vape liquid.

A crowd at IPURE booth

We exhibited 8 new flavors of tobacco at the event: classic tobacco flavor, original tobacco flavor, Burley tobacco flavor, Zimbabwe tobacco flavor, Virginia tobacco flavor, coffee tobacco flavor, nut tobacco flavor, and Blackstar tobacco flavor.

visitors are inquiring

huge crowd emerged at IPURE booth

There is a huge crowd eager to test these flavors. They fully appreciate the charm of 8 new types of tobacco flavor based on fragrance, comfort, and restoration of flavor.

IPURER’s recommendation flavors

2021 IECIE has come to an end, but IPURE would continue to move forward with confidence. See you in next event!